Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Softshell or Painted?

Softshell or Painted?

22 16:14:18

QUESTION: I am making a small pond in my yard. Should I get a softshell or painted? What are their lifespans? What do they eat? Are they a good choice for beginners?


ANSWER: I think you wrote to me before and I rejected your question?  I will TRY to answer your question if you promise not to rate me badly - like I said before - this is not my area of expertise.

Write me back and tell me:

what city, state you are in (very important)
how large and deep the pond will be
what other animals you plan on putting in the pond
what type of filter you will be using


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live in San Diego, California. The pond is 50 gallons with small shallow side, and a very deep side. I will not be putting any other animals in the pond except for feeder fish. I will be using a large filter fountain with bio media balls. Also, is it too small for two males of either turtles.

I would say a painted turtle.  You will need to protect the turtle from predators - I'd recommend an electric fence be put around it.

I'm not an expert on water turtles, but your local zoo, reptile vet, fish and wildlife people, and pond stored may be able to help.  There is always the California turtle and tortoise club down there.

I think your turtle will be happy having an outdoor pond.  Make sure he has places to hide.