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Ill slider?

22 16:30:30

I have a 7 year old red eared slider who has always had a very good appetite. Lately though he is eating less and, more concerning, he is not defecating. I have began soaking his food in mineral oil and I have raised the temp on the tank. I have also been trying to feed him collard greens, apples and bananas. He only likes the store pellets though. I even tried hand feeding him fruit but he seems more interested in biting me than eating. He still active but I am very worried, please help.

1. Tank temps should be between 75-80F normally, and 80-85F when ill or not eating. Basking site temps can stay at about 90F. Make sure the temps are right as this plays a big role in appetite.

2. Stop feeding it fruits. Sliders do not need or generally like fruit and most care guides that list them should be considered flawed.

Besides the pellets, try live or frozen/thawed 'fish food' like small fish, snails, shrimp, worms, insects, or krill. (Not 'freeze-dried', however.)

3. Not defecating is worrisome, but I doubt the mineral oil is helping. I suspect all it is really doing is gumming everything up. 'Hand feeding' is an interesting phrase. Turtles hunt and eat in the water- it is difficult to hand feed a turtle and duplicate that natural behavior.

I am a little worried about an intestinal blockage. have you ever seen it eat the pebbles on the bottom of the tank? If so, get rid of those pebbles, and see what happens.

Try the right temps, diets, and other cares (see for other care guidelines) and see what happens in a few days.

Good luck!