Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > I have a baby river cooter and I need your help

I have a baby river cooter and I need your help

22 16:06:23

My turtle has been shedding near his neck and I don't understand why?? He has fake plants, gravel, and a rock.  Please help me I need your guidance I have only had him for a month or two

Hello thank you for your question. I have a few small concerns that can cause bigger issues and I would like to address these along with answer your question.
You mention having artificial plants, I would remove them. The turtle can eat them become impacted and die. They eat about anything they do not care.  Next, you make no mention about a basking or heat area, nor do you mention having lights for the turtle.  They need temps that are needed to maintain their health growth and all around care. You also do not mention a filtration system. This being said, I hope you have these and just didn't mention it as these can contribute to a fungus and other health issues.
The shed you see can be the fact that he is growing. But as I can not see any pictures, I can not tell if it is shed or if it is a fungal growth.
Your turtle needs UVB a basking area cooler side and filtration. This is mandatory if you want him to live a long healthy life. He also needs a place he can get out of the water. This will prevent shell rot.
I know this is a lot to take in. But without pictures, it to me because your description of the set up may be a fungus that is shedding off. Id need more information and would need to know if the above mentioned concerns have been addressed.