Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Red Eared Slider Turtles

Red Eared Slider Turtles

22 16:12:58

Why does my turtle has a white goo thing around it's head? Is it dead or something?

Hi Kristina,

As my profile says, I'm not experienced with aquatic species, but I can tell you that no turtle should have any kind of goo on or around its head.  If you can't tell whether your turtle is alive or dead, it's very ill at best.  Try tugging gently on a leg to see if you get a reaction (a turtle that's alive will try to pull the leg in).  If there's no movement, wrap the turtle loosely in a towel, put it in a box, and set the box in a safe spot overnight.  If the turtle really is dead, it should be apparent by tomorrow morning.  If you do get a reaction, the turtle is still alive but needs to see a herp vet for diagnosis and treatment.  I hope this helped.