Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > RES - behavior

RES - behavior

22 16:16:40

We recently got a baby 2" RES and have set up a small tank w/a floating basking tray. Q - it seems it's so scared that it's inhibited to use the tray.  Should we pull the turtle out of the tank and put it in another dry enclosure to get dried out and get some sun and if so, how long can it stay out of the water?  Also, is it good for us to handle the RES so it does get used to and know us?  If so, how often to start?  Don't want to get the little guy too stressed out.

Hello Lori, congrats on the new turtle. Does he have easy access do his basking spot? He needs to be able to get up there easily. It is common that they are too afraid to bask when young. Be sure he feels secure and his tank isn't somewhere with a lot of people movement and noises. I dont recommend moving him to dry out. But if you limit the amount of water to (MAXIMUM 4 inches - water depth should only be twice the inches of his shell) but limit it to 2 inches deep. That way you know he can get to his basking area.

It is not good to handle your turtle, they do not like it at all and it can be very stressful for them. No matter how often or how gentle you are they will never see it as a good thing and always be scared. Handling should be done only when absolutely neccessary (cleaning the tank, cleaning him, etc.)

Best of luck,