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what type of turtle did I find?

22 16:16:39

This weekend I found a baby turtle in the grass. I don't know what type this is and what it's supposed to eat. It has orange stripes on it's side of the shell and a brownish blackish shell. It has claws and I think it's a water turtle. I made a small habitat for it. I put a rock and some soil into a small container and put some grass into it and added water. Can you tell me what it's supposed to eat and what type it is?

Many species fit the description, but I am thinking it is an Eastern Box Turtle- especially if you are in the Eastern US.

Box turtles are considered a 'threatened species' because their numbers are declining so much. It is illegal to catch or keep wild box turtles in most of their habitat.

While that in itself may not be a big deal (most states do not prosecute this very aggressively), the more important part is that wild-caught baby box turtles do not do very well in captivity.

I would recommend that you release it as soon as possible. Should you decide to keep it, try the advice at

Good luck!