Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > damaged terrapin shell

damaged terrapin shell

22 16:39:41

hi, my poor little terrapin has had a fall or something while i was away and is now missing a small section of his shell by the rear right leg. On examining the shell i noticed a small bit of exposed weeping flesh. I would really appreciate some advice. will he be ok?

The first aid would be:

1. Clean the shell with warm water. If there is stubborn dirt, use a soft old toothbrush and a little salt to scrub with.

2. If the would is still weeping blood, dab it with a bit of cornstarch to dry it up.

3. Dab the entire area with Betadine Solution (povodine iodine mixture) and let that dry for a couple hours before returning it to the tank.

4. If it was bleeding, add a dab of antibiotic ointment as well while the Betadine is drying.

5. Repeat this daily until you see healing, then back off the frequency. After some healing has started, carefully trim any sharp edges on the shell- like you would a thick toe nail, etc.

Turtles heal slowly, so be ready for that.

Also- take this time to review your basic cares. You did not mention the species, so I will point you at a good general site-

Good luck!