Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my female aquantic turtle

my female aquantic turtle

22 16:03:58

Hey I wanted to get another turtle to put in my tank. I only have 1. Will it be safe to get a male? Im just curious to know how to go about it....  thx monique

Hello i am sorry this tok so long, I didnt recieve it until just now.
If you are going to get another please go to a rescue allow them to assist you with a adolption they know the personallity of thise they house.
They are not in this to make a sale like a pet store. Also they are usually checked for parasites. if you are getting one try to mess around in the tank, move things. this will make it to where when  you add the new one there are no territory disputes.

You should ot just get one and add to the tank without vet check.