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res starvig to death!

22 16:29:41

I just got a baby res last Sunday and it hasn't eaten all week I've tried baby shrimp,turtle pellets, crickets,and worms.What can I do he is a little bit bigger than a quarter! please help

There is not enough information to be sure- I would guess that the habitat is not what it would like.

Generally, captive turtles want three basics to be healthy and happy-

1. Good water. This means plenty of water (about 10 gallons of water per inch of shell length), warmed to about 75-80F and kept very clean with a strong filter.

2. Good sun. Indoors, this means lighting the tank nicely (leaving some cooler shadows), and offering a good, safe basking site that is warmed to about 90F. Using UVB lighting also helps.

3. Good diet. Yours sounds OK. We normally recommend about 1/2 pellets, and 1/2 frozen/thawed fish foods like small fish, worms, shrimp, krill, insects, etc.

A great article for new owners of baby turtles is: