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tortoise found by neighbors

22 16:01:03

My neighbors found a baby tortoise crossing the street, it almost got hit by a car. Currently, it is residing on my front porch in a cat carrier with strawberries and water.

the shell is a brown/green color, dull, not shiny.

it has clawed feet, no webbed feet.

the front legs are a dark green in color with yellow spots, the neck and head are dark green with orange stripes, and the eyes are a bright orange.

I am trying to figure out what type of tortoise it is?

Hi Mary,

It's really not possible to give you a positive ID without a picture--can you post one?  The eye color makes me think it may be a box turtle:  The sure sign that it's a box turtle is on the plastron (lower shell); box turtles have a hinge in the front part that allows them to close their shell up completely--you can see a pic of that here (scroll down a bit):

If it is a box turtle, the orange eyes indicate it's most likely a mature male, not a baby.  A baby turtle/tortoise is very small (about the size of a 50 cent piece).

Box turtles are not native to Oregon, so if it's a box turtle it should not be released.  Oregon actually doesn't have any native land turtles (tortoises or box turtles), so if it's not aquatic, we need to figure out for sure what it is and then you can decide what to do next.  If it doesn't appear to be a box turtle, please post back and we'll go from there (and post a pic if you can).