Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > turtlles blowing bubbles

turtlles blowing bubbles

22 16:14:29

why do turtles blow bubbles?


Turtles aren't supposed to blow bubbles.  

Any sign of bubbles mean your turtle has a respiratory infection and needs to see a vet ASAP.  Usually turtle get infections like this when they aren't being given enough heat or are being kept in a dirty cage.

Please take your turtle to a vet soon.  If there is no vet in your area, go to a dog or cat vet, that is fine.

While you are at the vet, you can talk to the vet about what to do to prevent this in the future.  I can't help you much since you didn't include much information.  Feel free to write me with any more questions.
