Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red spot on my turtles foot

red spot on my turtles foot

22 16:16:35

my 2 week old red  eared slider has a small red patch on her right foot she moves it but it has me worried because she doesnt move it alot but other than that shes cool she is very active and swims alot but that spot has me nervous

                  thanks for all your help,
                         Lala Henderson

Not being a vet, I m afraid I cannot give you very specific information.

For most kinds of wounds or skin problems, dry the turtle off and swab the area with Betadine Solution (providone iodine). Let dry, then apply some antibiotic ointment and let everything dry for about an hour before returning her to a warm tank- water temps about 80-85F.

Repeat this daily.

Try or for more ideas.

Good luck!