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Turtles Shell

22 16:14:45

i Have a Turtle and i just recently realized that its shell is cracked and i was wondering if this could be dangerous to my turtle as he is a family pet.

Think of the shell as a box. If the crack weakened the boxes structure, or if the crack interferes with breathing or allows air leaks, or if the sides of the crack move- you should see a vet ASAP.

If the crack is not that severe, then just clean it out carefully with a gentle scrubbing- using either Providone iodine (Betadine Solution) or salt and water as a scrub. Once clean, swab it with Betadine (not iodine by itself) and let it dry for about an hour. If the crack looks raw in any way, apply some antibiotic ointment during the drying period.

It would also be helpful to review a good care site like to ensure that the habitat, cares, and diet are solid.

Good luck!