Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > it is a female!

it is a female!

22 16:16:34

i am sure my tortoise is a female horsefield tortoise i even when to the vet to see if it was and it is a female but there is still something coming out of her rear end and going back in please help

An internal organ slipping out is called a 'prolapse'. While most prolapses are very serious because the organ does not usually slip back in and can become damaged, a 'penile prolapse' is a common male behavior, also called 'fanning'.

It is not that I don't trust you and your vet, but one thing I have learned is that even when we may be confused as to what sex our tortoises are, the tortoise itself always knows.

A LOT of stories I get involve 'females' fanning and 'males' laying eggs. Even experts can be wrong in sexing these things!

Now- if the organ is NOT the penis (a sort of purplish tongue-like structure- something like the one about half-way down in this link-, then it should be seen by a vet ASAP.

Good luck!