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Russian Tortoise problem

22 16:39:29

Dear Mark,
I have recently purchased two female Russian tortoises.  The second female purchased a month later than the first is very small, light and I am most concerned as she is not having normal bowel movement.  The pet store was not feeding a proper diet which I am working to change.  Even when soaked she does not expell bowel with exception of a small very hard piece.  She is eating and urinating.  If you have any ideas how I can get her "regular" I'd appreciate it.  
Thank you!

The diet is probably only one part of the problem, the other is probably humidity/dehydration.

What I would do is:
- better diet with fiber (
- good big water dish it can self-soak in
- high humidity zone in the tank- in most cases, this is a 'humidity box'- a plastic box with lid. Cut a hole in the side for the tortoise to enter. Put about 2" of absorbent material in the bottom (long-fiber sphagnum moss (not peat), for example) and set the box in a warm part of the habitat.
- daily warm soaks for about 15 minutes each- twice daily for a while if you can swing it.

Now- tortoise often do 'cacophagy', or eating droppings- so you might not see all the droppings. Also, there is a possibility that there is an actual blockage. If nothing happens in about a week you might want to vist a vet.