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Turtle found in yard

22 16:04:46


My son ran over a turtle in our yard today.  We are in pensacola, fl and I would like to know what kind of turtle it is.  I looked at some pics, he kinda looks like a tortoise maybe a greek, eastern herman's, or Russian.....can't tell.  I have a pic of him I attached to this.  He has a spot about the size of a half dollar on his spine where the top of the shell was shaved off by the mower, it was bleeding a little bit so I brought it inside, cleaned it up and put some ointment on the spot.  The bleeding has stopped.  Is there anything else I can do?

That looks like a Box Turtle, but may also be a Gopher Tortoise. Check out to see if it looks like them. There are a couple species in the Florida area.

You can go to to find someone in FL who can help you, but in all honesty, these guys are good at surviving minor things like this. It should be perfectly sage to let it go now that the bleeding has stopped,