Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my turtles leg is extremly swollen

my turtles leg is extremly swollen

22 16:47:00

what do to make her eat! and what shouuld i do afterwards?
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she refuses to eat and the bottom of her shell is also swollen and appears to be filled with puss! whats wrong with her?
Swollen leg is usually the result of a big infection- either due to a wound, injury, dirty water, etc.

Unfortunately, there is not a ton the average keeper can do in this case. You can try the advice here:

However, you probably should be shopping for a good vet. Badly swollen limbs can jeopardize the life of the turtle pretty easily.

Keep the priorities straight. She will not eat if very ill- neither would you. You've got to get treatment going for the swelling and puss first. Once that is feeling better, she'll probably start to eat again.

Turtles can go a while without food if they have to or don't feel well. The best way to get them to eat again is to fix what is broken- in this case, the leg.