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floating faeces

22 16:30:36

Hi Mick,
I have 2 Macquarie Turtles (1 year and 6 months). There diet consists of feeder fish, bloodworms, turtle dinner, plant, and live shrimp. Since I have added frozen mealworms to their diet their faeces have started to float. Is this related to the mealworms?
Thanks for your time and help

Yes, it most likely is. Mealworms are very high in fat, and a high fat content will result in floating feces.

Mealworms are ok to use as supplement food to turtles, for putting on a little weight, or as a treat. But use them in moderation. They are not a very healthy food source at all. They are also high in sodium and phosphorus. Most larvae food are much less nutritious than mature insect forms, such as the actual moth or beetle. An earthworm or "nightcrawler" is a true worm, not a larvae, and they are much more healthy and a good food source, high protein without all the fat.

Take care to also use your shrimp and other seafood in moderation. They are known to contain thiaminase, which breaks down vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) and can cause a vitamin deficiency. Such vitamin B1 deficiencies can cause neurological or cardiovascular disorders.