Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Common long neck turtles!!!

Common long neck turtles!!!

22 16:13:36

QUESTION: Im going to get a turtle but how much do the tanks cost?????

ANSWER: You'll get a better answer to this at where you can discuss where you are (which will affect the price), and what you are looking for (plastic? Glass? Size?) better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, wondering how much a glass tank around medium size cost me? If you have one how much did yours cost?

Please dont give me a website! Thanks

I don't have water turtles. If I did, I would use plastic tubs- bigger and cheaper. Since even a smallish turtle needs a lot of water, tubs offer the best value.

Did you notice in my profile that I don't usually answer water turtle questions, and that I reserve the right to refer people to websites?