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sick turtle- please help

22 16:29:51

I gave some baby red-ears to my son.  I bought 5 at the swap meet.  My two are doing very well and growing. All of a sudden his 3 have come up with parasites.  One died last night, his back legs swelled up and his eyes were very glassy looking. Pet stores didn't know what to do, except take to a vet. My son couldn't afford that.  He recleaned his aquarium, and washed all the rocks very good and separated the sick turtle.  Is there anything else he can do for the remaining two.  Would putting aquarium salt in tank help, like it does with sick fish? (just a little) How else should we advise. They are newly-weds and are not allowed any other pets in there apartment, his wife was so attached and in tears this morning.  Please advise.

Swollen legs are usually a sign of a blood infection- tough to treat, even for a vet.

Swap meet turtles (as well as Chinatown or other sources) are often badly stressed, overcrowded, kept in unsanitary conditions, etc. and quite often only have a life expectancy of a couple months.

Salty water sometimes helps a little, but good overall cares will help more. You can add a fish medicine called 'Stress Coat' to help- it works better than salt.

Sadly, most of what pet shops and older care books and 'word of moth' is wrong for good turtle care. You can try a good care site and see if they have any good suggestions for cares-

There are also good books at the library, etc. (but the internet stuff is great and free!)

Once you get the habitats, cares, and diets down right, things usually go OK.

Good luck!