Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > res3


22 16:38:17


thanks a lot for everything you've told us.

our last question is again about the sick turtle. there was orange coating on the rest of the carapace. my girlfriend cleaned it gently with a brush and now it's gone. she also sterilized the water tank after she had seperated the turtles. does this mean that the shell rot hasn't stopped and how would we know that the healing process has begun?

i'm sorry for the botheration, it's just that she's very attentive to her animals

Turtles heal slowly. First, all of the bad tissue will finish dying and flaking off, and all sore, red, or tender areas will start to look better.

When there are no more flaking scales, no more red or sore-looking places, and the turtle is behaving normally, things are basically OK.