Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > cherry headed red footed tortoise

cherry headed red footed tortoise

22 16:06:18


out tortoise is about 9 years hold recently he is sleeping with his head out of the shell and his body looks bloated. His eyes do not open as much and he has not reaction to movements made in front of him. His posture in the tank is one of looking dead and it is very upsetting. Any advise

If it does not move when you touch it and is limp or very stiff, I am afraid it passed away.

The shell looks odd to me- not as nicely rounded as it should be, which makes me suspect something like metabolic bone disorder. If it is still alive you should take it to a vet or at least consult with a good tortoise keeper for advise on getting it back to health.

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