Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Cause for concern

Cause for concern

22 16:29:47

I have a brown slider aquatic turtle that I've been taking care of for 5 years, she's about 5 inches long. Something brownish & jelly-like came out of her tail & it was enormous!! Then it sucked back in!! It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but it's really bothering me.

Your question was sent to the pool, but I don't know why...this is an easy one. I would like to know who you addressed the question to, who couldn't answer this....

My question to you is how do know the turtle is a she? And what is a "brown" slider?

Sounds like your turtle may have everted his penis. It's reddish brown and big and usually shaped like a fan. You need to do some reading and make sure of what you have.