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Sulcatta diet

22 16:17:32

I have a 4 year old male sulcatta, he's about 9 lbs.  He already had pyramiding on his shell when we purchased him and I was wondering if his shell might ever be normal.   I am concerned that this deformity will affect his spine or ribs,  we do not give him any extra protein - he eats cactus pads, turnip greens, kale, dandelion, hay, tomatoes, a little bit of banana or squash, yard grasses and weeds (no noxious plants in our yard) in the warm months and occasionally offal he finds in the yard from the rabbits (our pets), will this hurt or help this issue?  If there is a way to stop the progression of the deformity please let me know!  thanks

Pyramiding is probably caused by several things. Too much food, too much protein, too dry of a habitat, etc.

The pyramiding will not really ever go away, but as the tortoise grows healthy growth will hide the bad stuff. Internal issues (metabolic bone disease) are usually signaled by a 'sunken-looking' shell, misshapen limbs, etc.

I would direct you to a good discussion forum where several experienced and expert keepers can help you with details-