Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > overheated tortoise

overheated tortoise

22 16:04:49

Help! I had my russian tortoise outside in a crate
I realized the sun was on him for over 1 hour
I brought him in the house and soaked him
He has calmed down somewhat
He is mouth breathing now
Is there anything else I can do????

Yes....take him to a vet! This forum is not for emergencies.

You are not a vet, and refusal to do so will probably result in fatal cerebral edema or at the least, brain damage.

Next, get a proper outdoor habitat for this tortoise and stop being cheap, or setup an appropriate indoor one with UVB lighting...or give him to someone who can provide this before you kill him.

These things usually happen because people are too cheap to buy UVB lights or build a suitable outdoor pen with shade and water.