Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Dead Turtle. Murder?

Dead Turtle. Murder?

22 16:14:20

I woke up this morning to find my turtle had died. He was just laying in the water his neck and arms and legs are very swollen and has slime all around his arms. The scariest part is that there is alot of white foam in the tank and coming out of the filter. I am not sure if the foam came out of his mouth or not, but it seems as though it would have been way to much foam to come out of such a small turtle. I am wondering if someone could have put something in his tank or if you have any idea what else this could be. :( please help. thanks.

There is not much real information here, but foam is often from proteins in the water- food, wastes, body fluids, etc.

Swollen limbs and 'sliminess' often indicates blood poisoning or similar problems. Knowing the species, cares, housing, etc. would be helpful to pinpoint things, but even with all of that I probably cannot tell you what happened for sure.

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Good luck!