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Should i get more turtles?

22 16:13:32

My 7 year old male three toed box turtle looks lonely sometimes, and for my own personal reasons i wanted to get a juvenile or even a baby three toed box turtle. No where on any site says that i shouldn't, except for one that says two males together will spar, but i don't want to get a female for the pregnancy reasons. Any suggestions/answers?

"Looks lonely" is a human emotion- turtles in the wild rarely come together in groups, and in fact, 2 box turtles in too small of a habitat will fight or show signs of dominance or stress regardless of sex.

Space is the key. Exact figures are tough because there are a lot of factors, but about 8'x4' for 1-2 adults is a common size. If you have the room, go for it!