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Turtle Shell Rot

22 16:39:48

You gave me some suggestions a couple of weeks ago regarding the shell rot of my painted turtle.  I've been doing the betadine baths almost everyday, letting him dry, rinsing him in dechlorinated water, and returning him to his tank (which now has a heater).  I also moved his tank out from under the plant lamp as he seemed very agitated by the plants on the outside of his tank (I plan on moving him into a tub as you said).  

He seems to be doing better - his activity level and basking times seem to have improved, and he's eating again - but I'm still concerned about his shell.  I'm having a difficult time determining what is shell rot and what are just marks caused by him bouncing around the tank.  If you have any advice on this I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks again!

The downside of shell rot is that it takes a while to stop the rotting, then a while to let everything stabilize and the overall health to get back on-track, and a while for the actual regrowth to happen. The last phase can take a long time before everything is back to 'normal'.

Marks from bouncing around are uncommon- the healthy shell is tough. Softened shell from rot can easily show a wide range of other damages, however. Good shell is tougher than fingernails (but not necessarily thumbnails), so anything you can scratch or scrape easily with a fingernail is still experienceing a bit of rot.

It is not real easy to tell when the rot is gone and healing is starting- part of it is just what 'looks right' to you. The more you work with turtles, the better sense you get for what is normal and what is not.

While the looks of the shell are important, behaviors are a key sign- eating and acting more normal is a great sign things are getting better for him.