Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Turtle has a change in the color of feces

Turtle has a change in the color of feces

22 16:01:43

My red eared slider has had a change in the color of its poo
It has always been greenish but now is getting red. She has always ate the same food pellets.any advice would be great.if you would like any more info let me know

Hi Joe,

I really can't tell you exactly what's causing the change--it could possibly be due to a change in the pellet formula, because of illness, etc.  If you see other symptoms, such as lethargy, change in appetite, and so forth, I would take your turtle to a good reptile vet as soon as possible for an exam.  Otherwise, I would review your overall care to make sure everything is set up correctly.  For example, if you're feeding your turtle a pellet-only diet, you should make some improvements to that so she gets a greater variety (animal protein and greens in addition to pelleted food) for optimal health.

Here are some links to detailed care information that will help you ascertain whether you have your turtle in an adequately sized tank with proper filtration, basking heat, UVB bulb, etc.  Please read it over carefully and then post back if you have any questions.