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What do baby painted turtles eat and do they need land?

22 16:02:31

I just found this turtle yesterday up at my dad's house and my mom said i could keep it but the problem is i pt it in my fish tank but it is really deep and i have no idea where or what to feed it Because i am really afraid of it dyeing or starving?

Hi Tara,

Please return the turtle where you found it.  Since you really don't know anything about turtle care, the chances are high that the turtle will not do well.  The wild populations need all the help they can get, and if you remove this turtle from the wild, you also are removing all future generations that might come from it.  If you're insistent on keeping it (and once you keep it for very long, it can't be released again, ever), think about whether you're willing to give your turtle the best care possible for the next for 20-30 years, which includes the following:

Providing a spacious tank (100-125 gallons) with excellent filtration (external canister filter)

Regular tank maintenance and water changes

Proper temperature regulation and UVB lighting

A good, varied diet that includes animal protein, pellets, and a variety of greens (you can't just toss pellets and a lettuce leaf into the tank and call it a day)

Obtaining vet care when needed

Taking the turtle with you when you move, finding care for it when you go on vacation, etc.

Once you take the turtle out of the wild, you're responsible for it for life.  Don't do it unless you're willing to do it right.  Below are some links to care information for you.  Read them carefully!