Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > 39 yr old fl. cooter is swollen

39 yr old fl. cooter is swollen

22 16:38:48

Hello there. I have a turtle and its 39 years old. Its always been active and its always eaten without a problem. Recently he had a prolapse and i took him to the vet to get it put back in. After that when i took him home he was a totally different turtle. He wouldn't ask to come out of his tank, he wouldn't move, and when he would take a bite of food he would paw at his mouth and stop eating. I thought maybe it was that he was stressed out over the vet visit so i didn't bother him to much but then he started to swell up. I rushed him back to the vet and he had an X-ray done that showed nothing wrong internally. But when the vet went to take blood out a clear yellowish liquid came out. Kinda like hes retaining water. The vet finally got some blood out of him but that too came back negative, nothing out of the ordinary except for some kind of cells he said were like "clean up" cells that are there to clean out infection/bacteria. So he sent me home with 2 medications one for an infection and one for the swelling. My turtle is still the same as he was when i took him in and he is still not eating. Do you have any ideas of what could be wrong? Please let me know. Thanks for your time.

Remember- I am not a vet!

Swelling usually indicates an infection, and that would be logical after a prolapse. Antibiotics would be the normal course of treatment- although they are usually offered as an injection.

I wonder if you need a different vet's opinion? When it comes to turtles, some vets are great, others really do not deal with them much so are not as sharp. lists vets under state resources, and has a medical section you can look at to see if this looks like septicemia (blood poisoning) or something.