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red footed tortoise age and health

22 16:13:42

I have a two part question. I just saw an approximately. 10" red footed tortoise at a pet store, that had a very weepy eye. My first question is, can you give me any idea what age a red foot that size might be, (how fast could one reach that size)? Second, do you have any advice or opinions about what I should do if I think a turtle in a pet store is sick or isn't being cared for properly?

A 10" Red-foot may be anywhere from 4 to 10 years old, depending on the diet and cares- it is notoriously hard to determine age this way.

If a pet store is not doing a good job, your best bet is to report it to the local agency in charge of animal welfare. Reporting it to the store usually does not work nicely, and buying animals to 'rescue' them just reinforces their behavior.

I WILL buy pet store animals if the price is good and it has something I can fix with better cares and diets. Weepy eyes are usually a sign of dehydration- usually pretty treatable.