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My Turtle is like a zombie

22 16:02:43

It wont move. He is a alligator snapping turtle i had him for a year and yesterday he was fine, but today he was sunk at the bottom of the tank when i took him out his head hung down like he was dead but when i put him on floor he barely moved his feet. So i put him in a small tank with warm water but i need help. What could be wrong with him and vets here just say they usually dont deal with those types of turtles cause they are illegal to have after a certain size. I need help. The water i put him in he seems to be a little more active, but just by moving his head a little more.

Hi Hilarie,

Unfortunately there's not much I can do to help.  This is why it's not a good idea to keep illegal species, because finding vet care can be very difficult and it's just not possible to give any kind of diagnosis advice over the internet based on no symptoms.  He may have a systemic infection that came on very quickly, but it could just as well be something else.  If your turtle is that weak you need a vet for him, or you'll just have to wait and see if he recovers.  You can also try contacting the Virginia Herp Society to see if they have any advice for you.  I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but you really need a vet.