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Musk Turtle - Bloodworm

22 16:02:42

Hi Jeannie,

I have just purchased a musk turtle. All the tank setup is great. I was just wondering how many bloodworms I should feed him a day, how to give them to him and how to store them outside the freezer?


Hi Adam,

Bloodworms are OK on occasion, but don't overdo them.  Depending on the size of the turtle, you can feed a small amount (half a cube or so), but you shouldn't store the frozen worms outside of the freezer because they'll start to decay fairly quickly once they thaw out.  Better dietary choices are snails, earthworms, crickets, butterworms, superworms, ghost shrimp, etc., along with pellets, but make sure you offer a variety of different foods.  You can also offer a variety of greens, but not all musk turtles will eat much in the way of greens.