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turtle & tortoise terrarium

22 16:38:38

We just rescued a 5" Greek (or Spurred) tortoise and are wondering of we can modify our 60 gal. Red-eared slider terrarium to accommodate both.  Do you know if it is unhealthy for turtles and tortoises to live in the same area, as long as you provide enough space and an appropriate environment?  Also, should I mainly feed the Greeky alfalfa like I would a rabbit (supplemented by leafy greens)?  Thanks so much for your time.  I couldn't find any hits with Google.   Thanks again, Paige

For a lot of good care info for this species, try

Diet- dark leafy greens, hays, and grasses are good. Timothy hay is better for Greek (or Spur-thighed Tortoises) than alfalfa- alfalfa contains a lot of protein which tortoises do not need a lot of. The site above will discuss diet in more detail.

Now, there is no good way I know of to create a good habitat for both species in a fairly small space like a 60 gallon tank. The Slider wants lots of water and some basking sites- but it does not particularly like dry land or beaches. The Greek Tortoise wants lots of land space and only a small pool to drink or soak in. In fact, the tortoise would love a big outdoor pen.

If you wish, you can sink a pre-formed pool outside and build a habitat for both around it, but make sure the tortoise can easily get out of the pool if it stumbles in.

Congratulations on rescuing what many people find to be a wonderful pet reptile!