Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Red Eared Slider Turtle-Thing hanging from its tail?

Red Eared Slider Turtle-Thing hanging from its tail?

22 16:37:54

QUESTION: Dear Mark,

Hello, I have a question regarding my male red eared slider turtle that is around 3 or 4 years old and about 3 inches long and 2.7 inches wide.

About two weeks ago, that turtle remained on the dock instead of swimming in a tank with 2 other turtles. It is the oldest turtle, but the smallest. I realized something must have been wrong with it. My sister thought something was wrong with it's eye, however, one day when I picked it up and examined it, I realized a small piece of meat/skin was hanging from it's tail. I separated it from the other two turtles, thinking it might have been bitten, because our largest turtle is very vicious.

I checked it everyday, and realized the piece of meat was getting bigger, and the condition looked worse. Do you know what this is? I'm very worried. This is my favorite turtle, because it was my very first and is a lot nicer than the other two. I'd hate to see it in pain, or even die from this if it gets infected. I have a picture, incase the details I provided was not enough.

ANSWER: This is called a 'prolapse' and is an internal organ that has come out, and it looks like it may be damaged.

This is definitely a vet visit. It will need some minor surgery to repair and protect.

There is an entire article on this issue in the Reptiles Magazine that came out lately- the one with the colorful python on the cover.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Is this a instestinal or a penile prolapse, and is there anything I can do to help it, without surgery?

My mother does not have a job at the moment and may not be able to afford it depending on the price of the surgery. Would you happen to know how much it costs?
ANSWER: Penile prolapse is thick, red, 'meaty' looking nad can often be treated at home.

This is not a penile prolapse. I would guess intestinal. I hate not being able to offer a home treatment, but there is really not one for this.

As for the cost, sorry- I could not even guess.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I'm sorry for not keeping all my questions together, but I realized today that the organ fell off of the turtle. It's not bleeding or anything, and it's still alive and seems well, but is this a good thing, or a bad thing?

It is pretty much a bad thing- but if the turtle is acting OK, then I would not sweat it much.

It is POSSIBLE, although based on the photo I think it is unlikely, that this was not so much a prolapse as a weird bowel movement. If it IS a bm, you really need to re-examine the turtle's diet!

You can try for good diet advice and other ideas.