Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > my turtle die, dont know why. he is already ten year old

my turtle die, dont know why. he is already ten year old

22 16:39:19

Today (June11, 2007) in toronto, I brought two of my red ear slider to the back yard.I left them in a bucket filled with water. I tried to feed them  turtle pillet and some cook shrimp.Several hours I found out one of them is not swimming and stay underneath the water. When I took it out, it looked it was dead!!! not moving and not breathing at all. Is there reason why? do u think he was choked to dead because the cook shrimp is not easily chewable or the outdoor temperature is too hot for them? It looks like no sign of living and do u think the vet can help? He was already ten year olds and not a baby and he usually swim well!

Many things could have gone wrong...

- choking on food
- water too hot
- drowned without being able to bask or getting trapped
- stressed
- something has been wrong for a while and just hit it that day

I am not real impressed with their diet or the idea they were in a bucket. You might want to look at and see if they have any ideas you can try for better housing and diet.