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my red-eared turtles

22 16:03:07

Hi, jeannie i wanted to know how many turtles can i have in one tank? They are still baby's and i just got them as a gift so i really dont know much about them but i sure do like them.

Hi Stephanie,

How many RES do you have?  Two or three hatchlings could be kept in a 20 gallon tank short term, but you would still need to provide very good filtration.  RES grow pretty fast, so you need to start planning for larger accommodations for them.  If you don't already have a tank for them, I would buy for their adult size now rather than moving them into larger tanks as they grow.  One adult RES needs at least a 50 gallon tank (an adult female needs bigger than that), 100 gallons for two, 150+ gallons for three, etc., with excellent filtration rated for larger than the tank size.  An outdoor pond is ideal.

Since you don't know much about them, I'll give you some websites to read up on for care.  The most important aspects to keep in mind are plenty of room, good water quality (don't skimp on the filter), proper basking temperatures and good source of UVB, and a good diet.  Hatchlings and juveniles are more carnivorous than adults, but they should be offered healthy greens, along with a variety of animal protein (boiled chicken/egg, shrimp, mealworms, earthworms, crickets, etc.) and a good quality pellet.  Don't just feed them pellets; they need the variety.  Also put a chunk of cuttlebone in the water so they can nibble on it for extra calcium.

Please read over all the information in these links carefullly.  It'll help you avoid problems that may be hard to correct later!