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3 toed box turtle

22 16:13:24

I found a 3 toed box turtle in my yard.  His back leg looks cut.  I brought him in but he has not eaten anything.  He is in a 30 gallon aquarium.  He is a little bigger than a quarter.  I give him warm baths about 3 times a day and have him by the window.  His room is about 75 degrres and on one side of the tank I have a 60 watt bulb.  What should I feed him?  He seems lethargic.  How long can he go with out eating?  I live in st. louis.  How old do you think he is?

Age: There is no way to tell for sure, but it probably hatched out in the last month or so depending on how your weather is going.

Cares: I would release it as soon as you can. Wounded turtles quite honestly do better in the wild than they do in captivity, unless you have veterinary training.

The problem is stress. Wild turtles suffer a lot of stress when they suddenly find themselves in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar foods and being handled all the time.

I applaud you desire to help, but most injured wild animals should be left alone unless you can get them to a trained rescuer or vet.

You can also try to talk to experienced keepers and rescuers.