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What type of turtle is this?

22 16:13:10


I came home from work and to my surprise my son has a turtle.  The neighbor gave it to him.  I don't know what type of turtle it is, how to care for it, or anything.  We are keeping it in a little tub with some water in it.  He puts it in the grass/sun when he cleans out the tub.  I bought it some turtle food.  He wants to keep it, but in order to do so I need more information on it.  We love animals and I don't mind him having it but I need to make sure we take care of it properly.


THANK YOU for emailing.  I just finished reading a question from a girl whose mom told her to flush a turtle down the toilet if it gets sick.  Your email gives me hope!

So yes, turtles do need special care.  Here is a link to info:

As you can see, your handsome (or pretty... depending) turtle is a red eared slider.  This is the most common turtle in the pet trade.  People tend to buy it thinking it is easy to care for, and then give it away when they tire of it.  Turtles are "boring" to average pet owners and require someone who enjoys providing specialized care and caring for rather helpless creatures.  I say helpless because they can't make noise to communicate their needs like dogs and cats do.

My number one tip for keeping water turtles is to invest in a good water filter.  Fish water filters won't work.  Also feeding the turtle outside of the tank helps keep it clean.  I purchased a $200 canister filter and I only have to clean the indoor pond about once or twice a year!  Definately worth the money in my opinion!  I also use a circular set up so the water flows in a circle which keeps gunk from building up.

Thanks again for writing,
