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malasian turtle(soft shell)

22 16:03:07

my Malaysian turtle is not eating food and his shell is soft. i give him turtle pellets for feeding bt he is not eating. i think he is going to die. but i dont want to lose him plz help urgent

Hi Karan,

Once a turtle's shell has gone soft it is usually in very bad shape.  I really need more information to help, but in general, a soft shell is due to either lack of UVB, poor diet, or both.  UVB is vital to the metabolism of calcium, and must be obtained through either natural sunlight (not filtered through window glass or screen) or special artificial lighting manufactured specifically for reptiles.  Turtles also require a good, varied diet.  Pellets may be a part of that if they're of good quality, but even good quality pellets alone aren't sufficient.  I'm not sure what species you have, but for instance if it's a Malaysian box turtle it needs a good variety of greens with some animal protein.

If you can post back with specific information, I can help more.  I need to know the species, size/age, type/size of enclosure, what kind of lighting you're using, the temperatures, and complete diet.  The more details you give the more I can help.