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My turtles health

22 16:16:17

I have 3 red eared sliders. I know its bad but I don't know much about them but I'm trying to read up on everything I can find and buy the best stuff I can get. I noticed one of them has a white puffy thing on its eye and I don't know what it is. I first thought it was a piece of fuzz that got caught when it was swimming but now in not so sure. I was really worried about it so I went and bought Turtle Sulfa Dip for it because I thought it might be a fungus. In afraid to use it because I think its meant for bigger turtles and this ones a baby. It seems fine other than the white thing. Its swimming and eating just fine too. I was wondering if you knew what it was and if its bad. I cant really afford to go to the vet with it either so I was hoping you would know if it was just a growth of something really bad because if it is I don't know If I want to keep my other 2 turtles around it. Please help ASAP.

It MAY be an eye infection, which can be due to dietary issues, bacterial infections, or viral infections. The problem is that there is not a ton we can do for viral infections, bacterial infections need injections, and dietary issues are the least common problem for this.

You should isolate it from the other turtles, and do good research at sites like or to help ensure that the housing, diet, etc. are rock solid. Both sites also include a health or medical section to help as well.

Not being a vet, I really cannot make a lot more recommendation than this, but another place you can try is the forum at

Good luck!