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my painter turtle jelly

22 16:16:17

how old do painter turtles get?

how do you tell a painter turtles age??

what do painter turtles eat???

how big of a habitat or aquarium do painter turtles need

Just FYI- it is 'Painted Turtle', named because it looks like someone painted their bellies (plastrons).

Age: They can live 20-3 years easily, but sadly many die in a few years because of poor cares.

There is no way to be sure how old a Painted Turtle is unless you watch it hatch. You can make guesses based on size sometimes.

Diet: In the wild, a young Painted Turtle eats most small fish, insects, worms, crustaceans, etc. As they get older, they add more and more water plants to their diet.

In captivity, we recommend a mix of 1/2 good brand pellets and 1/2 live or frozen fish foods- small feeder fish, worms, shrimp, krill, snails, etc.

Habitat: Figure 10 gallons of actual water per inch of shell length. A mid-size Painted Turtle at 5" long would need about a 75 gallon tank mostly filled. Since Painted Turtles can get to about 8" long, make sure you have a plan for their adult size.

You can learn more about this species at

Good luck!