Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > hi


22 16:06:42

hi i would like to ask id the egg just was born
and you dont no how long to leave it in thw water
so should you just take out of the water and if you do
what will ahppen.Also can your egg hach under water yes or n
and y.

Hi Brook,

The eggs will not hatch in the water. Remove them from the water and find a plastic Tupperware. gather some moist but not soaked soil and place it in the container, cover the eggs wit about a half inch of soil, then get some plastic wrap or "saran" wrap and get a tight seal on the top. Poke a few holes for ventilation. In about 60-90 days it may hatch. Since I don't know what kind of turtle it is or the condition of the egg it is hard for me to help. Good luck.
