Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > My Box Turtles Leg

My Box Turtles Leg

22 16:00:51

QUESTION: I recently got a box turtle. She wasn't a baby when I got her. She has an indoor and outdoor tank. Indoor for night and outdoor for during the day. She has her own area to get water and food. But lately I've noticed her left rear leg is a little inward, and I was wondering if there was possibly something wrong.
Please Help. Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi Alexis,

Your box turtle can (and should) live entirely outside, including at night, if you are in a predator-safe area.  I'm not sure what you mean by "outdoor tank," so if you could please describe her outdoor enclosure it would help.  It's difficult to say what the problem with her leg might be.  Do you mean the leg seems to be twisted?  Is she dragging it in anyway, or does she seem to be walking abnormally?  Any difference in behavior--lethargy, lack of appetite, etc.?  Could you describe her diet?  If I can get more information, I'll do my best to help.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Her outdoor encloser is made up off wood planks as the wall, and is in an area with plenty of grass and I've put plants in there, she doesnt stay out there at night because we do have predators that roam around, and I've seen them around her enclosure even when shes not in it. I figured it's because her nails seem to be long, is the reason her leg is a little twisted, she seems to walk on it perfectly fine. I don't know if I'm just being a worried turtle owner. But she eats a lot of fruit she doenst care for vegetables Ex:leafy greens. She likes, and mainly eats apples, cantelope, bananas, raspberries, and tomatoes. I try not to give her different foods back to back, I usually try it with her then give it about a week before I try another fruit. I hope I've given enough information. I really hope I'm just being a worry-wart. Thank you.

Hi Alexis,

Thanks for the additional information.  It sounds like her outside pen is nicely planted for her.  If she is walking normally, I wouldn't worry too much, but if her nails are too long you can trim them with regular nail clippers (just be sure to only trim a bit off so you don't nick the quick).  Usually if they are outside in a decent-sized pen they will keep their nails trimmed just walking around.  

Box turtles are omnivores, though, and she should be eating about 50-60% animal protein.  I'm not sure if you meant she's eating fruit only.  She's probably foraging for snails, slugs, worms, insects, etc. in her pen, but you should also be providing her with animal matter.  This can include any snails you find (they love snails), superworms, wax worms, red worms, nightcrawlers, boiled chicken/egg, shrimp, pinky mice, crickets, rolly pollies, etc.  You can also put a compost pile in her pen (leaves, grass clippings, and so forth) and that will encourage snails and insects.  Anything that wiggles will usually get them very excited, so if she doesn't seem interested try something that moves.