Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > sick tortoise

sick tortoise

22 16:01:44

QUESTION: my tortoise is trying to poop but when she tries to it looks like her insides are coming out but it goes back inside of her,please help

ANSWER: Hi Keith,

Your tortoise may have a prolapse or possibly a bladder stone.  Please take her to a reptile vet as soon as you can, since this isn't something that can be treated at home.  This is an emergency situation, so don't delay getting her treatment.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: would the problem be the same if the tortoise was a male,cause the vet was not sure when we got it

Hi Keith,

Mature males will often "flash" (show the penis), but usually at that point they're also mature enough to be sexed by external characteristics.  Since you said your tortoise was female and didn't give other details (species, size, possible age, other symptoms, etc.), I had to go by the information given.  If you can post back with more details, including exactly how you're keeping your tortoise, I can help more.  If you can include a very clear picture of the hind end, I should be able to sex him/her for you (assuming he/she really is mature, that is).

If she's in any way acting lethargic, not eating, dragging her legs or having difficulty walking, you do need to take her to a vet ASAP, because those are indications that there is a definite problem.