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RES and painted Turtle?

22 16:14:00

At the moment I have a year old Red eared slider in housed in a 75 gallon tank (he is approxamatly 3 1/2 inches long and has been that way for awhile. I have been told that he is probably just a smaller turtle than other RES ). For a while i have been wanting to get another turtle. I have been interested in a Western Painted Turtle, preferably a baby.  Would it be okay to house them together for awhile??

In regard to your RES, it is doubtful he is "just a smaller RES". There is probably a reason if you have had him a while and he is small. The size you indicate is along the lines of a 1 year old. If he is older than that, then you probably have a problem with food intake, water and basking temps, and most importantly CA:P ratio and UVB exposure. You should do some research to make sure you have all elements in order and are using a good quality UVB source and some fresh foods, not just procesed or canned. Aquatic turtles also like fresh foods and water plants.

I will leave the rest for you to research yourself because this is a better way to learn than have someone hand you the answers, and this a a pretty basic question that I shouldn't take up my time with when you can google for it.