Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > WORMS??


22 16:16:52

QUESTION: I have two baby read eared sliders There no bigger than a silver dollar. I've had them in a tank for about a week and a half and just noticed tinny worm looking things all over the tank walls. Can you tell me if there a danger and where they might be coming from?

ANSWER: Hi Sarah, your turtle have parasites, and need to be taken to a vet to get tested for what kind and get medication. It is definately treatable but can be deadly if left untreated. When you make the appointment be sure the vet knows you beleive it is parasites. They should ask you to bring in a sample of fecal matter. Separate the turtles so you know which one had what feces. try to get 2-3 samples to be safe. Put them in a sealable sandwich bag. Try to get as fresh samples as possible and store then in the fridge until time for the vet visit. They will take a microscope to it and find out what it is and give you what you need for them. In the mean time keep the tank VERY clean, water replaced daily and a strong filter. Separate them so you know if both turtles have it or just the one.

They get it from the food they eat or where they were in the wild. If you are feeding any live food be sure you are not catching it from your yard or getting it from a bait shop. This can be dangerous. Only go through breeders.

Best of luck, let me know if there is anything I can clear up.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Are the parasites dangerous to humans?

Hi, to the turtles having them in their systems can kill them, however with humans I don't beleive they are parasites that can survive in a human's body and as far as touching them, no. I would clean your hands very very well afterwards and not touch your hands near your face before washing. I don't know a lot about turtle parasites and human reaction but it can be avoided. They don't bite or anything but you definately dont want them near your face or inside of your body. Just wash very well. Hope you found a good vet. Good luck,