Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > RES: rough patch on neck - scab/lesion?

RES: rough patch on neck - scab/lesion?

22 16:20:49

Hi Mark,

I have two Red-Eared Sliders and have been caring for them for 7 years which is about how old they are.  They both measure approximately 7 inches in length.

I noticed recently that one of my turtles has a rough, hard patch on her neck that measures about 1.5cm in diameter.  It's grey in colour and is surrounded by a thin red ring which is why I'm assuming it might be a healing scab.  I'm also afraid it might be a lesion or the beginning of a tumor or serious skin condition but I'm not sure.  I've been applying Polysporin on it for the past two days and will continue to until there are improvements.  Interestingly enough, my turtle never flinches when I apply the ointment and instead just extends her neck (making it alot easier to apply the cream) so it seems she is in no physical pain when I apply the medication.

Do you think this grey hard patch is a healing scab or is it something more?

Thanks for the help and I hope to hear from you soon.  

There are two most likely options-

Healing scar. Continue antibiotic treatment, but add:
- warm water to 80-85F to encourage healing
- swab injury area with Betadine Solution and allow to dry for about 30-60 minutes before putting the turtle back in the water.
- consider adding the fish medicine Stress Coat to the water per directions.

Abscess. An abscess is a scar-like covering over an active pocket of infection. While scar indicates healing, an abscess indicates that an active infection is probably getting worse.

You can go partly by looks and behavior- if the turtle is looking and acting better, great! if not, consider getting a vet's help for an abscess.

The thing is- abscesses are usually really bad news. By the time the outer 'shell' of it develops, the infection is pretty far gone.

So, try treating as if it is a scar a few more days and see how it goes. If things get better, great! If not, try a vet.

Good luck!