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My new baby turtles feeding

22 16:00:17

I just got a baby red ear turtle (two weeks old) and so far I have been feeding him just the recommended floating turtle Gammarus pellets. I was wondering at what age I should start feeing him the human foods such as lettuce, strawberries, bloodworms...etc.

Lettuce is virtually useless. You should use seaweed, anacharis, and duckweed, as well as collard, mustard, or turnip greens. You can start that anytime. Bloodworms also are not a human food. They are a staple to young slider turtles, and you should be using those now. I don't recommend commercial pellet diets. I recommend foods they actually eat in the wild, or at least resemble food they eat in the wild. Pellets should be used to supplement, not as all the time. Fruits, etc can be used as treats.

What you should be more worried about as a baby though is proper UVB lighting, or your diet isn't going to matter. I'm going to refer you to some webpages, because this is really a question you should be doing your own research on, and there is plenty of info out there if you look. If you don't have the time to look it up yourself, you aren't going to have the dedication to take care of a baby slider the right way.